
Full Town Council Meeting Wednesday 5th February 2025

Armistice Committee Meeting Wednesday 5th February 2025

Schedule of Meetings  2024/2025


Mirfield Town Council is a Parish Council that has, like many of the large urban parishes, resolved to be known as a Town Council, which carries the right to a Town Mayor instead of a Chairman. Mirfield Town Council was created in 1988 as successor to the former Mirfield Urban District Council.

Mirfield is one of 5 parishes within the Kirklees Council area, which includes Meltham, Denby Dale, Kirkburton & Holme Valley. The Town Council has 16 members (Councillors) with Councillors representing each of the five wards in the town, Battyeford, Hopton, Crossly, Northorpe & Eastthorpe. (See Ward Maps in Documents)

Elections to Mirfield Town Council are keenly contested by all major political parties as well as by Independents. There are sixteen Town Councillors who are elected to serve for a four-year term of office: the most recent elections taking place in May 2023. The Councillors appoint one of their members to serve as Mayor for a one-year term of office. The Town Mayor is both the political leader of the Council (chairing Council meetings) and the Civic head (representing the Town at public events). The current Mayor is Councillor Stuart Naisbett having been elected at the Annual Town Council Meeting 1st May 2024, Councillor Vivien Lees-Hamilton & Cllr Martyn Bolt elected as Co-Deputies at the same meeting. 

None of our Town Councillors receive an income from their role as Town Councillors.

The Council currently has one part-time employee: The Town Clerk. Town Council staff is expected to be completely politically neutral.

Town and Parish Councils have a limited range of powers but are consulted about, and can influence decisions on, a wide range of functions and services outside their control. The Council presently owns allotment land at Lowlands, Bankfield & Nab Lane.

Mirfield Town Council is funded by its Parish Precept which forms part of the Council Tax. This income is used to fund the running of the office, community projects and also provides small grants to local community groups.

Planning Information
The Town Council is consulted by Kirklees Council on every planning application for the Town/Parish.

Kirklees Council is the planning authority and manages the whole process of planning. Mirfield Town Council can make observations or objections which Kirklees then considers. Mirfield has its own Village Design Statement and this has been accepted by Kirklees as a recognised planning document. Please note that Kirklees Council makes the final decision on all planning applications within Mirfield.

Please click the link for access to the Planning Section of Kirklees Council's website.

Kirklees Planning

All planning applications to be considered by Mirfield Town Council are included in the Agenda for each Council meeting. If you have any comments or queries regarding planning applications please contact the Town Clerk on administrator@mirfieldtowncouncil.gov.uk or your ward councillor.

Please see link below to Kirklees Council's website.


Council Meetings

Meetings take place on the first and third Wednesday of every month apart from August when the council is in recess. 

They start at 7.30pm and members of the public are encouraged to attend. Anyone wishing to speak should notify the Clerk 7 days prior by post or email, with details of their comments including approximate wording. A period of 15 minutes will be allowed during the meeting for questions and comments from members of the public on matters relevant to the Town council. There should only be one speaker per topic, each member is allowed three minutes in which to speak (approximately).
