Kirklees Local Plan Official Statement


The decision on the Kirklees Publication Draft Local Plan was taken at an Extraordinary Council meeting on 12.10.2016. The recommendations that were approved are set out below: 

That approval be given to the publication of the Local Plan, subject to the amendments as set out at Appendix A, and that formal representations relating to the legal and soundness tests be invited; and thereafter the Local Plan be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in public, in accordance with the Local Development Scheme.
That authority be delegated to the Director of Place to submit the Local Plan to the Secretary of State once the period for representations has expired.
That (1) and (2) above be subject to (i) the completion of a Habitat Regulation Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal, and (ii) authorisation of the Director of Place, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader, to make minor amendments as necessary, prior to the formal publication for representation and/or prior to submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State.

The decision and papers can be viewed here:

The council report set out the next steps in terms of the process in detail within section 5, briefly summarised as:

a)      Consultation on the Publication Draft Local Plan – 7 November – 19 December 2016

b)      Submission of the Plan to the Secretary of State – March 2017

c)       Examination in public

d)      Adoption of the Local Plan – Early 2018

Making Representations:

Below is an extract from the consultation summary leaflet which highlights how members of the public can make representations:

Making comments

To help you present your comments in the best way for the Planning Inspector to consider them, they have issued a standard form which is available to complete on-line, or to download and return to us at:

Send completed comment forms to us at:

Planning Policy Group

PO Box B93

Civic Centre 3


